The course, divided into two modules, will provide the attendees with new ideas and innovations in management of male genital surgery. Module one, interactive, includes video demonstrations on intimate male surgery and it will be supplemented by a series of panels on topics particularly challenging for the attendees.
Module two, held at the Anatomical Institute of Nice (France), will allow the participants to perform cadaveric dissections. The most common aesthetic surgery procedures will be shown and reproduced hands on.
Paris, France
Sylvie ABRAHAM, MD is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Former Resident and fellowship at Hôpitaux de Paris, she is currently ...
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
After taking his MD in Amsterdam, in 1986, J. Joris Hage trained in General Surgery and Plastic Surgery at the De Wever Hospital in ...
Paris, France
MD at Paris, PhD in Human Biology, Prof. Vincent DELMAS is Urologist at Hôpital Foch, (Suresnes, France) and Professor of Anatomy at ...
Massimiliano BRAMBILLA, MD
Riccardo MAZZOLA, MD
Franco GADDA
Isabella MAZZOLA
Massimiliano TIMPANO
ABRAHAM Sylvie (Paris)
ARMOCIDA Giuseppe (Varese)
BOROUSAS Dimitri (Athens)
BRAMBILLA Massimiliano (Milano)
DE FAZIO Stefania (Roma)
DELMAS Vincent (Paris)
GADDA Franco (Milano)
GARAFFA Giulio (Londra)
LESHUNOV Evgenii (Moscow)
HAGE J. Joris (Amsterdam)
MANZONI Gianantonio (Milano)
MAZZOLA Isabella (Milano)
ROLLE Luigi (Torino)
TIMPANO Massimiliano (Torino)
Plastic Surgery
General Surgery
General Medicine
Aesthetic Medicine

- 08:00 - 08:30Registration
- 08:30 - 08:45Introduction and opening remarks(M. Brambilla, R. Mazzola)
- 08:45 - 10:15BASIC PRINCIPLESModerators: V. Delmas, R. Mazzola
The male organ in the history and art
(G. Armocida)
Anatomy of the male genital area (V. Delmas)
Indications and patient's selection
(S. Abraham)
Physiologic and psychological considerations
(M. Rossi)
Discussion - 10:00 - 10:15Discussion
- 10:15 - 10:45LectureAesthetic Male Genital Surgery (with video) (S. Abraham)
- 10:45 - 11:15Coffee Break and visit to Exhibitors
- 11:15 - 13:00PENILE ENLARGEMENT AND LENGHTENING SURGERYModerators: M. Brambilla, L. Rolle
Penile enlargement with lipofilling
(S. Abraham)
Suspensory ligament release: the eternal controversy
(V. Delmas)
Curvature: aesthetic and functional problems
(M. Timpano)
Penile prothesis
(L. Rolle)
The "hidden" penis
(M. Brambilla)
Discussion - 13:00 - 14:00Lunch
- 14:00 - 14:30Lecture Aesthetic improvements in Reconstructive Phalloplasty (J.J. Hage)
- 14:30 - 16:00IDEAS AND INNOVATIONSModerators: S. Abraham, E. Leshunov
Drugs and Trophism
(F. Gadda)
New advances in penile reconstructive surgery
(D. Borousas)
Aesthetic surgery of penile malformations
(G. Manzoni)
Aesthetic surgery of scrotum and testicles
(M. Timpano)
Scrotal lifting
(D. Borousas) - 16:00 - 16:30Coffee break
- 16:30 - 17:30AESTHETIC MEDICINE AND DERMATOLOGYModerators: M. Brambilla, S. De Fazio
Aesthetic of surface: the dermatologist point of view
(M. Cusini)
Injectables in the glans
(E. Leshunov)
Complications of injectables. Dangers of medical penoplasty
(S. Abraham)
Discussion - 17:30 - 17:45Q&A
- 17:45 - 18:00Evaluation through questionnaire
- 18:00 - 18:15Conclusions and Adjournment
Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 61, Milano